The Boker Bokken Katana, usually known as a Bokuto in Japan, is a wooden sword used in Japanese martial arts such as Laido, Aikido, Kenjutsu, or Kendo. This wooden sword is a safer alternative to the sharp Katana or Wakizashi, and as such is a much less risky way to train and practice. Although it is made of white oak, this sword still meets standard lifelike dimensions in size and weight, so can be used to realistically perform exercises or movements like a Kata, with less chance of harming yourself or others. The white oak is highly durable and treating the wood with oil provides an extra layer of protection against dirt and moisture, increasing the grip even in sweaty hands.
- Blade Length: 21.46"
- Overall Length: 30.31"
- Blade Material: White Oak
- Handle Material: White Oak
- Weight: 12.80 oz.