I had long resisted OTFs due to the handle designs — too straight, slim, and slick for any kind of stabbing, digging, or prying motion, which is what the mostly dagger blades are designed for. Do that with a lot of force and you’r grip will slide forward and you’ll be bleeding.
The Boker has a man-size handle with grooves, a finger guard, and actual texture, not just visual like a lot of micarta handles these days. But the texture shoud have been continued on the bottom grooves and top strap. I prefer the clip point over dagger. I also prefer bright, shiny blades over dark or stone-washed — they can be used to sun signal. And I wish it had a glass breaker, like many other OTFs.
I found an OTF to be more useful than just for quick deployment self-defense purposes (I was once bitten by pit bull, unarmed — never again). When making a garden trellis for my blackeye peas with 6’ bamboo rods and cord, I had to tie close to 100 knots — tie w/ both hands, open my side folder, cut cord to the spool, close with both hands, tie another knot… my folder opened fairly well with one hand, but closing with one hand was impossible. This is a perfect situation for an OTF — open and close it with one hand and you can still tie knots with both hands while holding it closed. Then opening it to cut cord is very fast. A fixed blade with a sheath might have worked better than the folder, but it wouldn’t be near as fast and inefficient as with an OTF.