The Ultratech OTF knife is almost incomparable. For me, within the genre of OTF knives, this knife leads the pack. Microtech's original, dual action out the front knife has been modified a few times over the years. Each time, I have thought, they can't make it any better; and each time they have made it better. The Ultratech is thin, at just over half an inch. I really like this because it makes it nice to carry and easy and comfortable to carry in your hand. This particular model has a double edged blade, which I prefer in an OTF knife. When open, this knife is just over 8 inches long. A nice length for action. The blade, when open, is tight. There seems to be absolutely no play either up and down or from side to side. It is the tightest OTF knife I have ever used. The blade, when activated, comes out incredibly fast and snaps right into locked position. I have never had a misfire (when the blade comes out but doesn't lock up and then slides weakly back). Microtech also has designed this knife to be easy on the quality springs. The spring is actually in the resting position when it is closed and it streches when deployed. A genius move to extend the life of an automatic knife like this. I would wholeheartedly advise anyone who wants a top notch out the front knife to look at the Microtech Ultratech. Get your hands on one and fall in love again. Although the price is not cheap, the knife is definitely worth every penny.